Clark High School educator honored for work with magnet program

A Clark High School educator was one of eight people to receive a national award for their work in magnet programs, the Clark County School District said Wednesday.

Shirley McLees was named a Regional Magnet Teacher of the Year by the Magnet Schools of America, a national nonprofit education organization.

Superintendent Pat Skorkowsky said in a statement, “We are honored that Magnet Schools of America recognizes our schools, and these designations prove that the Clark County School District has some of the best Magnet programs in the country.”

Magnet programs offer students a chance to focus on a specialized field of study on top of the usual curriculum offered at schools.

McLees, who works as a magnet coordinator at the high school, won the award for the western region of the Magnet Schools of America, which includes California, Oregon and Arizona. According to MSA’s website, the award “recognizes an outstanding, dedicated full-time teacher who exemplifies excellence in academic achievement through innovative programs that promote equity and diversity for students in magnet schools.”

The nonprofit also recently recognized Clark and 16 other county magnet schools with various merit awards.

Contact Francis McCabe at or 702-224-5512. Find him on Twitter: @fjmccabe

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