6 things BuzzFeed’s ‘signs you grew up in Vegas’ list missed

BuzzFeed posted a list Monday of 28 signs you grew up in Las Vegas, but the social news site apparently missed a few things, according to Las Vegans.

Do people actually live in Las Vegas? Yes, but we know that. And as the list points out, most of us are neither strippers nor permanent residents of hotels. We don’t raise our eyebrows at 100-degree weather and we’re used to seeing slot machines in gas stations.

What did the list miss, though? We took to Facebook to find out:

  • You keep potholders in your car

    No, it’s not because a craving for a home-cooked meal might hit while you’re waiting in a parking lot on I-15 at rush hour. It’s because you don’t want to be bathing your hands in burn ointment for the rest of the day because you were a little too grab-happy with your steering wheel.

  • You know the Stratosphere is your North Star

    As one Facebook commenter pointed out, you’ll never be hopelessly lost if you orient yourself around the skyline. If you know the difference between your mountain ranges, you’ll do even better: The Spring Mountains are to the west and to the north is Sheep Range.

    The McCullough Range lies to the south, and to the northeast is Frenchman Mountain — sometimes mistakenly referred to as Sunrise Mountain — with a bare spot that is an old landfill.

  • You went to a birthday party at Crystal Palace

    More than one, actually. And probably a field trip. What’s more, you remember awkwardly holding your crush’s hand during couple’s skate before returning to opposite ends of the room to report to your friends.

  • Your friends from out of state visit the Strip more often than you do

    When is the last time you walked the Strip? Was it the last time you had friends or family in town? Or did you beg off and meet up later at Red Rock for a buffet?

  • You understand tipping etiquette

    Las Vegans understand the city depends on the tipping industry, and they do their part. A good tip to a valet attendant means a good tip to a hairdresser, which means a good tip to a waiter … you get the picture.

    “The tipping is better in Las Vegas than most places, because so many of the tippers work in service industries themselves,” Michael Politz, publisher of Food and Beverage Magazine, told the Review-Journal in 2008, and his statement remains true.

  • You know there are technically only three cities in the valley

    Las Vegas. North Las Vegas. Henderson.

What did we miss? Let us know on the Review-Journal’s Facebook page or tweet @reviewjournal.

Contact Stephanie Grimes at sgrimes@reviewjournal.com. Follow @steph_grimes on Twitter.

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