Garden slugs self-destruct in stale beer

Question: I learned about slugs two years ago and thought I won the battle. I notice that my marigold plants are withering. I went out at night with a flashlight and found some big, fat slugs. The next day, I lifted a decorative plaque that was on the ground and I found the whole army and its children. Horrible. So I am squishing again and applying the stuff I purchased from the store. I read about beer and wonder if I should do that. Any suggestions?

Stale beer works great as a slug bait. Put out a bowl of day-old beer in the garden, sinking it slightly so they can gain entry and then die a happy death. Cover it with some cardboard to give them a place to party. You must clean out the former partiers and replenish the keggers frequently.

Bob Morris is an associate professor with the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension. He can be reached at or 257-5555.

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