Child’s pool makes great garden tool
DEAR HELOISE: For the past two years, I have used a child’s plastic swimming pool to tote leaves and other yard waste to the compost pile. I would not trade it for any wheelbarrow.
Simply cut a hole in the side of the pool, reinforce it with duct tape, tie a rope on it and you have a great garden tool. It slides easily over the yard and is easy to put items into. – Dorothy Howell, Potts Camp, Miss.
Foam dispenser
DEAR HELOISE: I love your column. I filled my foam soap dispenser per your advice. However, I need to let you know that you should not use any soap with particles in it. The little beads clog up the pump, and it will not work. They are difficult to remove. The soap needs to be clear. — Diana, via email
DEAR DIANA: You are right, and for others who want to do this, the ratio is 1 part soap to 5 parts water. — Heloise
Hints from Heloise is syndicated by King Features Syndicate. Send great hints to Heloise, P.O. Box 795000, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; by fax, 210-HELOISE (435-6473); or by email,