Come showcase your inner fashionista!
Join FashionTrend.Vegas and ABC 13 to showcase your inner fashionista and be interviewed by Valley View Live co-host Zar Zanganeh.
Come to Downtown Summerlin from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Thursday, April 23. This week’s topic is make-up and highlights, so put on your best spring outfit and make-up shades and meet the crew in the promenade next to Francesca’s. Downtown Summerlin is at Sahara Avenue and 215 Beltway.
Each week, Zar and the Fashiontrend.Vegas staff, including Editor Maria Cristina-Matta, talk about the fashion trend of the week with people in Las Vegas who show off their version of the week’s topic. Selections from those interviews are shown beginning at 2 p.m. every Friday on the fashionista segment of ValleyView, and also are presented on FashionTrend.Vegas.