Toei Animation, the team behind the incredibly popular “One Piece” Japanese manga and anime franchise, on Tuesday had a “takeover” for the series on the exterior of the Sphere in Las Vegas.
The activation, according to a news release, is part of the brand’s launch of its new “One Piece” English language YouTube channel.
“One Piece” stars Monkey D. Luffy, a boy who can stretch his body like rubber, and his crew, the Straw Hat Pirates.
According to Toei Animation, the Sphere activation marks the largest ever “One Piece” display. Creators say the activation consists of a 90-second-long anime created especially for the Exosphere.
The week-long “One Piece” activation at the Sphere, which runs through Sunday, included a four-hour-long “takeover” on Tuesday night.
View photos from Tuesday night’s “takeover” event in the gallery above.
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