Singing with Streisand a dream come true for Henderson artist

Even though Carol Joyce has been in the spotlight performing most of her life, there was nothing like the high of singing with her music icon Barbra Streisand.

"Singing with the one and only, the legendary Barbra Streisand was a once-in-a-lifetime experience," Joyce said. "I loved every moment of that adventure.  My feet didn’t touch the ground for many days afterward."

It started with a phone call, when the person in charge of picking the backup choir for Streisand invited Joyce to sing with the ensemble at her MGM Grand concert in November.

"Something told me to say yes and not to look back," Joyce said. "I was shaking in my boots with excitement. This is exactly where I wanted to be."

The night of the performance, the moment seemed surreal as Joyce stood in the back waiting to go onstage. This was an experience she would never forget.

Joyce’s love for music started when she was 3 years old.

She had a musical family, so the progression was a natural fit.

By the time she was walking, Joyce was also singing and performing.

Opera singer Mary Martha Briney trained Joyce, helping to spark her career as a folk singer and guitarist.

She began performing in coffee houses on the East Coast.

Joyce also started singing commercial jingles for companies such as Cadillac and Thom McAn shoes.

Joyce’s first album, "Do What You Love and Love What You Do," was released.

Her journey took her to Miami, where she also worked as a talent agent.

She moved to Las Vegas to promote a singer and comedian.

While promoting other musicians, Joyce said people kept encouraging her to sing as well.

Joyce remembers the turning point in Las Vegas was when another singer starting spreading the word about her talents.  

"He said, ‘You should be singing more,’ " Joyce said.

The next thing Joyce knew, her friend had given out her album to promote her.

"And word was out that Carol Joyce can sing," she said.

It was the prompting from friends that got Joyce performing again. There was something about being in front of the audience that she couldn’t shake.

"I love when the music, the lyrics, the arrangement, the sound and the harmonies are just so right that not only do I feel something, but so does the audience," Joyce said.

Joyce began performing around town at various locations such as the Independence Center in Sun City Anthem.

Admirer and friend Ron Mendicino remembers first watching her perform five years ago.

"She brought the house down," Mendicino said. "She was always the star of the show."

Joyce has scheduled an upcoming show called "Holidays in Harmony" on Sunday at the Sun City Anthem Independence Center, 2460 Hampton Road.

"People can expect beautiful music, exquisite harmonies, lovely piano playing and a real feel-good show," Joyce said.

Susan Girard of Kaleidoscope Productions is producing the show, which also features singer Gail Beckman and pianist Marilyn Peterson.

The show sold out in six days, Joyce said.

After her December performance, Joyce plans to continue working around town at various venues. She also hopes to continue writing and recording her own music.

"The recording studio is my first love and favorite place to be," Joyce said.

For more information, visit http://carol

Contact Henderson/Anthem View reporter Michael Lyle at or 702-387-5201.

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