Cherry Poppin’ Daddies salute music of Vegas classic Rat Pack

In the late 1990s, Cherry Poppin’ Daddies were part of a wave of retro-swing revivalists sporting tattoos and zoot suits, playing places like the Huntridge Theater to take Las Vegas back to its Louis Prima years.

Aging bandleader Ray Anthony (who is still around at 92) even covered the Daddies’ signature song “Zoot Suit Riot” in a full circle of symbolism.

And speaking of full circles, the Daddies are making the classic-Vegas connection a little more explicit by billing their recent touring as a “Salute to the Rat Pack.” A Silverton show on Saturday previews the album “Please Return the Evening — The Cherry Poppin’ Daddies Salute the Music of the Rat Pack,” set for release July 29.

Frontman Steve Perry is the consistent member of the group that also branched out from its jitterbug-punk brand of swing to explore ska and world music influences over the years.

Contact reporter Mike Weatherford at or 702-383-0288.

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