CityCenter gallery features exhibit of modern Asian art

An exhibit featuring works from some of the most influential contemporary Asian artists opens today at CENTERpiece Gallery.

The Chinese works on display are from conceptual photographers Hai Bo and Huang Yan, as well as painters Zhang Xiogang and Wang Guangyi. Joohyn Kang, Jin Soo Kim, Ye Tao and Wei Yi are among the Korean artists whose works are in the exhibit, says gallery director Nicole Moffatt.

The gallery is showing the free exhibit because of the increasing interest in Asian art, Moffatt says. In fact, Asian contemporary art is among the top-selling art at auctions, she adds.

Last year, China surpassed the United States in fine art sales, according to Artprice, a company that tracks global sales in fine art.

“We thought it would be a great show,” Moffatt says. “We brought in some selection of works from a Shanghai gallery, mostly paintings and sculptures, so we’ve really delved into exploring all mediums.”

Asian art incorporates cultural influences, propaganda imagery and a variety of mediums.

Chinese artist Zhang Xiogang paints scenes on various surfaces and then photographs them, Moffatt says. Some of the photos from his collection include landscapes that he painted on his own body.

“There’s a kind of Zen-like quality to his work,” Moffatt says.

The Korean artwork displays the artists’ use of mixed media, including video, sculpture, photography and performance art.

CENTERpiece, which is a retail gallery, opened December 2009 at Crystals at CityCenter, 3720 Las Vegas Blvd. South. Artwork on exhibit is always available for the public to view, Moffatt says. Since opening, the gallery has exhibited both international and local artists.

“We’ve been really well-received,” Moffatt says. “We’ve been doing exhibitions of postwar and contemporary artworks, and twice a year we mix in two local artists.”

In September, the gallery plans to exhibit the work of local artist Erik Beehn.

The “Asian Contemporary” exhibit runs through June 19. For more information, call 736-8790.

Contact reporter Sonya Padgett at spadgett@review or 702-380-4564.

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