Friendly Ford’s service department hosts Spooky Tire event

A unique and informative third annual Spooky Tire event drew a strong crowd to Friendly Ford, 660 N. Decatur Blvd.

The dream child of several employees in the service department, the event focused on tire safety while also providing a Halloween meal of eggs, bacon, sausage and Spam.

“Tires are one facet of an automobile that oftentimes gets overlooked,” explained assistant service director Michelle Ochoa. “It’s very easy to overlook our tires, which can prove very dangerous if not properly maintained.

“We simply cannot afford to have tire problems, especially in remote areas of Southern Nevada or other surrounding states. Tire problems can be the result of various changes in a vehicle, including worn front-end parts, low tire pressure and the need for alignment.”

Several members of Friendly Ford’s service department prepared the food for the gathering.

“We laughed and were surprised at how many people loved the Spam,” Ochoa said. “Some of us thought the Spam wouldn’t be a popular part of the meal, but it’s been just the opposite.”

She said the inspection of a customer’s tires is free any time of the year, but the Spooky Tire event on Halloween has gained a very valuable date on the calendar, considering that the concern is now tied to a memorable date on the calendar.

“It just kind of an off-the-cuff suggestion,” Ochoa said, “but it’s truly amazing how many people now remember that Halloween at Friendly Ford is also a key time to check the tires on a vehicle.”

Ochoa stressed that members of the service department would be happy to check tires no matter what time of year.

“We have a very talented service department,” she said.

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