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LETTER: COVID and Chinese labs

If the new investigation into the source of COVID-19 either proves the virus originated in nature or is inconclusive, expect Trump supporters to contend that the virus originated in a Wuhan laboratory. Their sole proof will be that the Chinese did not allow free access by foreigners. This is unlikely.

I was stationed at a closed Army base 62 years ago when chemical warfare was legal. Rules were simple. Off base, tell no one anything other than where you were stationed; never talk to protesters picketing outside the gate; and, on base, outside one’s work group all discussions were limited to “need to know.” There were also area restrictions. My bunk mate, a drafted high school math teacher who often walked through the woods on weekends, crossed a downed barbed wire fence into an area in which he was not authorized. He was able to return to work two weeks later after re-evaluation of his clearance.

To separate from the Army, the security office had to be cleared. I handed over my badge, signed forms and was asked to remain. When they had finished, I was escorted out the building. The next day I completed base clearing early and returned for a final visit to where I had worked for three years. Having relinquished my clearance the previous day, I waited with the guard until a co-worker came so I could be escorted as an accompanied visitor.

From my experience, do not expect to see unlimited access to a Chinese laboratory.

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